Vopak celebrates SHE Day each year, reaffirming its commitment to safety, health, and the environment across the global organisation. This special day allows for reflection on safety performance, recognition of achievements, and striving for continuous improvement, all of which are essential to maintaining a safe and sustainable workplace for everyone.

The focus for this year is “My role and behaviour as a safety leader.” Vopak aims to emphasise the importance of individual responsibility and leadership in fostering a culture of safety. By understanding and embracing their roles, employees can collectively enhance safety practices and ensure a secure environment for all.

By encouraging each individual to act as a safety leader, Vopak seeks to embed a proactive safety culture where everyone takes ownership of their actions and their impact on the broader team. This initiative not only highlights the significance of personal accountability but also promotes a sense of shared purpose and collective responsibility towards safety and well-being.

Through a series of activities, workshops, and discussions, Vopak intends to provide employees with the tools and knowledge they need to lead by example in their daily operations. This year’s SHE Day is not just about reinforcing existing safety protocols but also about inspiring a deeper commitment to safety and health standards that go beyond regulatory compliance.

As Vopak marks this important day, it acknowledges the dedication and hard work of its employees in upholding these values. The organisation recognises that fostering a strong safety culture requires continuous effort and unwavering commitment from everyone. By focusing on the theme of individual leadership in safety, Vopak hopes to cultivate an environment where safety is intrinsic to every action and decision made within the company.

In celebrating SHE Day 2024, Vopak continues to demonstrate its dedication to creating a workplace that prioritises the safety, health, and well-being of its employees, ensuring a sustainable future for the organisation and the communities it serves.

For more information visit www.vopak.com

25th June 2024