Terra Inspectioneering BV and Sitech Services BV have entered into a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the next three years.

The main goal of this SLA is the deployment of innovative inspection technologies based on the latest robotic/drones technology at the Chemelot site.

Chemelot stands for a multi-user chemical/industrial site of over 800 hectares in Limburg, Netherlands.

The representative of Sitech Services, Wilbert Derks mentioned: “Innovative inspections using robots and drones are becoming more and more accepted as an accredited inspection tool, replacing people entering confined spaces. Sitech’s engineers offer their knowledge and experience in what to inspect, where, using what methodology. We welcome Terra Inspectioneering as a preferred supplier in the field of supportive tooling.”

“After a long process of proving our capabilities as a robotics inspection service provider, we are happy to formalise this in a Service level agreement,” Steven Verver, representative of Terra Inspectioneering mentioned.

Key drivers provide – a safer and environmentally friendly work environment, higher uptimes and less costs.

This can be achieved by – no longer letting people entering confined spaces, no more working on heights, extending inspection interval, real-time data gathering for RBI predicting the maximum lifetime of assets.

Terra Inspectioneering will work with Sitech to conduct further research, development, and demonstrations using inspections robotics with different inspection instruments at the Chemelot site.

For more information visit www.terra-inspectioneering.com

30th May 2022