Provaris has secured a third agreement to establish off-take demand for its hydrogen supply from Nordic countries using its proprietary hydrogen carriers. This new deal enhances previous agreements, notably expanding the partnership with Norwegian Hydrogen to expedite the development of new hydrogen export sites. While many hydrogen projects falter due to incomplete supply chains, Provaris is clearly overcoming this challenge, establishing a ready market for its hydrogen carrying vessels and storage barges. The company continues to build its market opportunities, even as it works to restart manufacturing in Norway.

Provaris has signed a memorandum of understanding with German energy major Uniper to develop the supply of green hydrogen from the Nordic countries to Germany. This partnership will utilise Provaris’ proprietary hydrogen carrying vessels, which are based on compression technology and offer the most efficient transport option for hydrogen within these ranges.

The agreement will explore the development of hydrogen trains that will transport green electrolytic hydrogen from local partner Norwegian Hydrogen, using the Provaris H2Neo carrier and stored in the H2Leo barges. This hydrogen supply will enable Uniper to meet the requirements of Renewable Fuels of Non-Biological Origin under the EU RFNBO Delegated Act, making the fuel eligible for support under the EU Renewable Energy Directives and qualifying towards EU renewable targets.

The interest from Uniper highlights the economic benefits of Provaris’ hydrogen transport solution. Compared to converting hydrogen to ammonia for transportation, Provaris’ compression solution for a 300MW grid-connected site can deliver 50 percent more hydrogen, with 20 percent lower capital intensity and a 20 percent lower delivered cost. This demonstrates the cost advantages and efficiency of using Provaris’ proprietary technology for hydrogen transport.

Provaris’ strategic partnerships and innovative technology position the company at the forefront of the hydrogen supply chain, driving forward the adoption of green hydrogen in Europe and reinforcing its role in the transition to renewable energy sources.

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7th August 2024