Saudi Arabian Chevron is pioneering an innovative approach to address the issue of excess natural gas by implementing a sustainable solution that benefits both the environment and the community. Instead of resorting to the conventional method of flaring, which contributes to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, Saudi Arabian Chevron is leveraging its surplus gas to generate power for practical everyday applications, such as cooling homes and charging smartphones.

The process involves partnering with Kuwait Oil Company to receive the excess gas for treatment and subsequent use. By redirecting this surplus gas towards productive purposes, Saudi Arabian Chevron aims to drastically reduce its flaring activities by more than 9 percent within the next five years. This ambitious target aligns with the company’s broader commitment to mitigating its environmental impact and transitioning towards a more sustainable energy future.

Ali Alsaqour, a lower carbon champion at Saudi Arabian Chevron, underscores the importance of this initiative, particularly in the context of addressing methane emissions and advancing towards a lower carbon future. As part of the company’s multifaceted approach to flaring reduction, the successful implementation of this project signifies a significant milestone in its journey towards environmental stewardship and carbon neutrality.

Moreover, Saudi Arabian Chevron’s efforts extend beyond its operational boundaries, encompassing both Saudi Arabia and Kuwait due to its operations within the Partitioned Zone between the two countries. This presents unique challenges, as the company must navigate distinct regulatory frameworks and stakeholder expectations in each jurisdiction. Nevertheless, Chevron remains steadfast in its commitment to reducing emissions and safeguarding the environment, driven by its core values of integrity, responsibility, and sustainability.

Ultimately, Saudi Arabian Chevron’s proactive stance towards flaring reduction reflects its dedication to promoting environmental conservation, fostering community well-being, and embracing sustainable practices. By embracing innovative solutions and collaborating with partners across borders, the company strives to set a precedent for responsible energy management and contribute to the global transition towards a greener, more sustainable future.

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3rd May 2024